Know Some Tree Cutting Methods and Tips


Working with trees can be hazardous. Consider the tools that are frequently required. Furthermore, there is still the risk of electrical shocks if your trees are in close proximity to power lines. You may even end up falling off a ladder if you have tall trees. Tree cutting experts, on the other hand, are prepared, experienced, and have the necessary equipment to preserve or remove trees safely. You can call a professional of tree removal & tree felling for your work.

Obtain the Required Equipment

Before you begin the process of learning technique, you must have the proper tools for the job. All of your equipment must be in good working order, and you should check it before using it on a tree. The following is a list of the main items of equipment required to cut down a mature tree on your property.

  • Chainsaw: Possibly the most important piece of equipment you'll require. The chainsaw has around 3.5 horsepower and a 20-inch bar. The length of the bar indicates the depth to which the blade can penetrate, so 20 inches should be sufficient to cut down most trees.
  • Safety Glasses: When doing tasks like this, many people forget the importance of wearing safety glasses. However, when cut with a chainsaw, flying debris can seriously harm your eyes.
  • Leg Protection: If you hit a knot in the tree, the saw may kick out and strike you in the leg. It is advised that you wear knee-high safety gear or heavy leg protectors.
  • 1000-pound test rope: The rope must be three times as long as your tree is tall. It would be used as a safety backup in the event of a problem.

10 Tree Cutting Methodologies

Before you begin, go over all of your equipment to ensure that it is in good working order. If at all possible, have some friends come over to assist you. They will not only be able to direct the tree's fall, but they'll also be present in case anything happens. If it is really urgent, then you can call emergency tree services.


While cutting a tree yourself is not recommended, if you must, the first thing you should do is consider the risk of the falling tree on anything other than the ground.

  1. Determine the height of the tree.
  2. Determine the direction in which you want the tree to fall based on its height.
  3. Clear the fall-zone area of any debris or anything that can be affected.
  4. Tie one end of the rope to the tree, either in the center or above the center.
  5. Pass the other end to your friends, who should stand outside the fall zone at a safe distance.
  6. Make a v-shaped notch in the tree on the side where you want it to fall.
  7. The notch must be roughly knee-height, cut to the center of the tree, and resemble a shallow "v."
  8. Move towards the opposite side of the leaf and start cutting into it slowly until you reach your notch cut.
  9. When the tree begins to fall, walk away from it at a 45-degree angle.
  10. If the tree does not fall completely or becomes entangled in another tree, have your friends begin pulling on the rope until the tree finally falls.



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