What is the best time for tree trimming and tree pruning sydney


There are many reasons for which trimming and pruning is advised. If you have a good knowledge of gardening and plant maintenance you can certainly take better care of your garden. But when it comes to working with large trees – you will do better to call up the professionals. As they are experienced in their field and also know their craft very well, they can not only identify the trees that require pruning but also bring to your notice if any tree in your garden requires complete removal. Pruning requires to be properly and meticulously planned so that the health of the tree is not compromised and other trees and properties around it are also not affected in any way.

Which trees around your property need pruning is an important question, but you should also know what the best time for Tree Trimming And Tree Pruning Sydney is. Most people will tell you that late winter or early spring is the best time for pruning and certainly the season has its own advantages. But an expert will tell you that requirements for different trees are also different and time for pruning a tree should be determined depending upon the type and other character of the tree. Let us consider the different seasons and if they are right for pruning or not.


Summer is not a good time for pruning and can considerable slow down the growth of the branches. Actually this is the time when trees tend to grow more rapidly, and if you prune during summer you are actually hampering the growth of that tree.


Similar to summer fall is also not the right time for pruning. During this time trees do heal more slowly from the cuts of pruning and as there is more decay-causing fungi in the atmosphere during this type of the year, trees become more vulnerable to fungal attacks and contaminations.


For pruning experts prefer winter the most and that is because most trees are dormant that time of the year and winter pruning helps in better growth during the coming spring. Some of the other advantages of winter pruning are

·         Pruning during dormancy cause less stress on the living trees

·         Winter pruning reduces chances of diseases and fungal infection

·         Less or no leaves allows better visibility of the entire branch structure and consequently more precise pruning

·         Spring and summer are the seasons when trees grow most and naturally a tree that is pruned in late winter will heal better and quickly during the coming spring.

·         As the ground is frozen hard in late winter, pruning or removal of trees will also leave little footprint.

As winter is also the slow season for emergency tree services sydney companies they do offer lower prices for pruning and trimming this time of the year and that is certainly the reason maximum number of homeowners in Sydney prefer to get trees pruned or removed in winter. Professional tree removal services are known to offer a wide range of other related services and you can certainly make the bet of those services.  


  1. Great post and you are really explain it very briefly. I really appreciate to you for sharing tree trimming and tree pruning Sydney.


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